Dairy carrier

Once you make the decision to start a dairy carrier business, there are several steps to follow before you can legally operate.

Take a look at each of the sections below for all the information you'll need to get started, including a checklist of requirements before you apply for a dairy licence with Dairy Food Safety Victoria (DFSV).

To operate a dairy carrier business in Victoria you are required under the Dairy Act 2000 to be licensed with DFSV and comply with the conditions of that licence. Dairy carrier licence holders must also comply with all relevant provisions of the Food Act 1984 and the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code in relation to the transport of dairy food.

The Victorian dairy licence handbook outlines what is required to obtain and operate under a DFSV dairy licence.

  1. Ensure your vehicles meet the requirements
    Your business and vehicles must comply with Standard 3.2.3 and Division 3 of Standard 4.2.4 - Primary production and processing standard for dairy products of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. Further information is available in the FSANZ Guide to Part 2: Dairy Collection and Transport Requirements.
  2. Develop a food safety program
    The Food Standards Code requires dairy carrier businesses to control potential food safety hazards by implementing a documented food safety program based on Codex HACCP principles.

    The program must outline the control measures and procedures in place to reduce or eliminate potential food safety hazards associated with the collection and transportation of dairy products. More information on developing a food safety program for dairy carriers can be found in the guide to Standard 4.2.4  Part 2: Dairy Collection and Transport Requirements

    Additional requirements transporting raw milk for raw milk cheese production
    If you intend to collect and transport milk for raw milk cheese you must address the additional requirements under Standard 4.2.4 in a documented and validated food safety program for DFSV approval. Further information, including a checklist of the additional requirements, is available here.

  3. Ensure adequate skills
    Ensure you have the necessary skills and competency to manage food safety in your business.
Need help?
If you have any questions or need more information contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or on 03 9810 5900.

A dairy carrier licence must be held by the person or entity in charge of operating the business and therefore ultimately responsible for the safety of the dairy food handled. The applicant must be a licenseable legal entity (e.g. natural person in law, registered partnership, company or Trustee and trust).


Submitting your application

Applications for new licences and licence cancellations can be downloaded and printed. Return completed forms to DFSV with applicable payment made by EFT (EFT details are on the application form).

New licence                Cancel a dairy licence

Click here  for a dairy carrier application information pack

Click  here for information regarding application terminology

Please note that it is an offence under the Dairy Act 2000 to commence operations prior to the licence being issued by Dairy Food Safety Victoria.

Once your application is received a DFSV food safety manager will make contact with you within seven business days after a full application has been submitted ie, an application where the application form, fee and food safety program have been submitted. You will have 14 days to supply full details after submitting your application, otherwise your application may be refused and the application fee refunded.

In order to assist DFSV in processing your application within 60 business days from receipt, please ensure that:

  • The application form is complete and includes relevant payment, and
  • A food safety program is provided that meets the relevant legislation.
  • Any requested changes to your food safety program draft submitted must be completed and returned within a 30 day period. Failure to do so may result in your application being refused and the application fee forfeited.

The premise where the vehicles are to be based should also be compliant with the relevant legislation.

If these conditions are not met your licence application may not be progressed within this period and may be subject to cancellation after three months from the date of application unless an extension is granted by a member of DFSV's Senior Management Team. Applicants will be advised that their application has been refused and that a new application will be required to be submitted. No refund is issued.

A licence application may be refused if the applicant fails to meet the licence approval requirements.

Application fee

The one-off application fee for new dairy carrier licences is $205.65


Licence fees

These are paid to DFSV annually for the license period 1 January to 31 December.

Dairy food carrier (per vehicle charge)$55.20